Basionym original publication
- Donovan E. 1800 - An epitome of the natural history of the insects of India, and the islands in the Indian Seas. Pl. 7 E. Donovan edt, London (Great Britain). [7]
Known status(es) for this name:
- previous combination of Pyrops pyrorhynchus (Donovan, 1800) according to
Amyot & Audinet-Serville (1843): 491 - previous combination of Pyrops pyrorhyncha (Donovan, 1800) according to
Schaum (1850): 64 - previous combination of Laternaria pyrorhyncha (Donovan, 1800) according to
Metcalf (1947): 202 - previous combination of Pyrops pyrorhynchus (Donovan, 1800) according to
Nagai & Porion (1996)