Caldwell J. S., 1945
Caldwell J. S., 1946
Abolloptera bistriata (Caldwell, 1945) |
Aphelonema brevata Caldwell, 1945 previous combination of Aphelonema (Protrocha) brevata Caldwell, 1945 |
Aphelonema brevata Caldwell, 1945 |
Aphelonema nesolitaria Caldwell, 1945 previous combination of Aphelonema (Protrocha) nesolitaria Caldwell, 1945 |
Aphelonema (Protrocha) brevata Caldwell, 1945 previous combination of Protrocha brevata (Caldwell, 1945) |
Aphelonema (Protrocha) nesolitaria Caldwell, 1945 previous combination of Protrocha nesolitaria (Caldwell, 1945) |
Aphelonema robusta Caldwell, 1945 |
Aphelonema rubranota Caldwell, 1945 |
Aztecus auroriferus (Caldwell, 1945) |
Aztecus erratus (Caldwell, 1945) |
Aztecus viridatus (Caldwell, 1945) |
Bruchomorpha dorsolineata Caldwell, 1945 |
Bruchomorpha duocantha Caldwell, 1945 |
Bruchomorpha longipennis Caldwell, 1945 |
Bruchomorpha minutiforma Caldwell, 1945 |
Colpoptera acutata Caldwell, 1945 |
Colpoptera albavenosa Caldwell, 1945 |
Colpoptera bifurcata Caldwell, 1945 |
Colpoptera carinata Caldwell, 1945 synonym of Colpoptera caldwelli Metcalf, 1958 |
Colpoptera elongata Caldwell, 1945 |
Colpoptera nigridorsa Caldwell, 1945 |
Colpoptera rotunda Caldwell, 1945 |
Colpoptera stigmata Caldwell, 1945 |
Delongana Caldwell, 1945 previous combination of Delongana Caldwell, 1945 |
Delongana Caldwell, 1945 previous combination of Delongana Caldwell, 1945 |
Delongana Caldwell, 1945 |
Delongana gigantia Caldwell, 1945 |
Hysteropterum acanthum Caldwell, 1945 synonym of Aztecus montezuma (Kirkaldy, 1913) |
Hysteropterum auroriferum Caldwell, 1945 previous combination of Aztecus auroriferus (Caldwell, 1945) |
Hysteropterum bistriatum Caldwell, 1945 previous combination of Abolloptera bistriata (Caldwell, 1945) |
Hysteropterum erratum Caldwell, 1945 previous combination of Aztecus erratus (Caldwell, 1945) |
Hysteropterum viridatum Caldwell, 1945 homonym of Hysteropterum viridatum Dlabola, 1971 |
Hysteropterum viridatum Caldwell, 1945 previous combination of Aztecus viridatus (Caldwell, 1945) |
Misodema dubia Caldwell, 1945 |
Paralixes Caldwell, 1945 previous combination of Paralixes Caldwell, 1945 |
Paralixes Caldwell, 1945 previous combination of Paralixes Caldwell, 1945 |
Paralixes Caldwell, 1945 |
Picumna subovata Caldwell, 1945 |
Plummerana Caldwell, 1945 synonym of Proteinissus Fowler, 1904 |
Plummerana isolata Caldwell, 1945 previous combination of Proteinissus isolatus (Caldwell, 1945) |
Proteinissus isolatus (Caldwell, 1945) |
Proteinissus pentagonatus (Caldwell, 1945) |
Proteinissus punctatus (Caldwell, 1945) |
Proteinissus reticulatus (Caldwell, 1945) |
Proteinissus viridus (Caldwell, 1945) |
Prothona Caldwell, 1945 synonym of Proteinissus Fowler, 1904 |
Prothona pentagonata Caldwell, 1945 previous combination of Proteinissus pentagonatus (Caldwell, 1945) |
Prothona punctata Caldwell, 1945 previous combination of Proteinissus punctatus (Caldwell, 1945) |
Prothona reticulata Caldwell, 1945 previous combination of Proteinissus reticulatus (Caldwell, 1945) |
Prothona virida Caldwell, 1945 previous combination of Proteinissus viridus (Caldwell, 1945) |
Protrocha brevata (Caldwell, 1945) previous combination of Aphelonema brevata Caldwell, 1945 |
Protrocha nesolitaria (Caldwell, 1945) |
Traxanellus Caldwell, 1945 |
Traxanellus Caldwell, 1945 previous combination of Traxanellus Caldwell, 1945 |
Traxanellus Caldwell, 1945 previous combination of Traxanellus Caldwell, 1945 |
Traxanellus bifus Caldwell, 1945 |
Ulixes horizontalis Caldwell, 1945 |
Ulixes (Paralixes) Caldwell, 1945 previous combination of Paralixes Caldwell, 1945 |
Ulixes perpendicularis Caldwell, 1945 |