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Dlabola (1961)

Dlabola J. 1961 - Die Zikaden von Zentralasien, Dagestan und Trankaukasien (Homopt. Auchenorrhyncha). Acta Entomologica Musei Nationalis Pragae 34(587): 241-358.
Original available names
Achorotile nobilis Dlabola, 1961
Aphelonema registanica (Dlabola, 1961)
Calligypona appropinqua Dlabola, 1961
Calligypona eforiae Dlabola, 1961 previous combination of Delphacodes eforiae (Dlabola, 1961)
Calligypona negrita Dlabola, 1961
Calligypona oriens Dlabola, 1961 previous combination of Chloriona oriens (Dlabola, 1961)
Cantoreanus olorina (Dlabola, 1961)
Celyphoma karatepica (Dlabola, 1961)
Chloriona oriens (Dlabola, 1961) synonym of Kakuna velitchkovskyi (Melichar, 1913)
Deferunda (Tugaia) Dlabola, 1961
Deferunda (Tugaia) incompta Dlabola, 1961
Delphacodes eforiae (Dlabola, 1961) previous combination of Herbalima eforiae (Dlabola, 1961)
Euidella caspiana Dlabola, 1961 previous combination of Euides caspiana (Dlabola, 1961)
Euides caspiana (Dlabola, 1961)
Herbalima eforiae (Dlabola, 1961) previous combination of Herbalima (Herbalima) eforiae (Dlabola, 1961)
Herbalima (Herbalima) eforiae (Dlabola, 1961) previous combination of Shadelphax eforiae (Dlabola, 1961)
Hysteropterum enitidum Dlabola, 1961
Hysteropterum enitidum var. inhonora Dlabola, 1961
Hysteropterum karatepica Dlabola, 1961 previous combination of Celyphoma karatepica (Dlabola, 1961)
Oliarus bitinctus Dlabola, 1961 previous combination of Reptalus bitinctus (Dlabola, 1961)
Oliarus bitinctus Dlabola, 1961 previous combination of Setapius bitinctus (Dlabola, 1961)
Oliarus cuspidistylus Dlabola, 1961 previous combination of Reptalus cuspidistylus (Dlabola, 1961)
Oliarus figuratus Dlabola, 1961 previous combination of Reptalus figuratus (Dlabola, 1961)
Peltonotellus registanicus Dlabola, 1961 previous combination of Aphelonema registanica (Dlabola, 1961)
Peltonotellus zonatus Dlabola, 1967
Reptalus bitinctus (Dlabola, 1961) synonym of Reptalus rufocarinatus (Kusnezov, 1937)
Reptalus cuspidistylus (Dlabola, 1961) synonym of Reptalus flavinervis (Kusnezov, 1937)
Reptalus figuratus (Dlabola, 1961) synonym of Reptalus nigrovenosus (Kusnezov, 1937)
Shadelphax eforiae (Dlabola, 1961)
Unkanodes paramarginata Dlabola, 1961 previous combination of Unkanodes (Unkanodes) paramarginata Dlabola, 1961
Unkanodes (Unkanodes) paramarginata Dlabola, 1961
Deferunda (Deferunda) albomaculata (Muir, 1922) new combination of Deferunda albomaculata (Muir, 1922)
Deferunda (Deferunda) majella (Kirkaldy, 1906) new combination of Deferunda majella (Kirkaldy, 1906)
Geographical distribution
Achorotile nobilis Dlabola, 1961
Caliscelis (Bambula) wallengreni (Stål, 1863)
Celyphoma karatepica (Dlabola, 1961)
Deferunda (Tugaia) incompta Dlabola, 1961
Hysteropterum enitidum Dlabola, 1961
Hysteropterum enitidum var. inhonora Dlabola, 1961
Peltonotellus zonatus Dlabola, 1967
Deferunda (Deferunda) acuminata Chou & Wang, 1985 new combination of Deferunda acuminata Chou & Wang, 1985
Deferunda (Deferunda) diana Chen & He, 2010 new combination of Deferunda diana Chen & He, 2010
Deferunda (Deferunda) lineola (Matsumura, 1914) new combination of Deferunda lineola (Matsumura, 1914)
Deferunda (Deferunda) philippina (Melichar, 1914) new combination of Deferunda philippina (Melichar, 1914)
Deferunda (Deferunda) qiana Chen & He, 2010 new combination of Deferunda qiana Chen & He, 2010
Deferunda (Deferunda) rubrostigmata (Matsumura, 1914) new combination of Deferunda rubrostigmata (Matsumura, 1914)
Deferunda (Deferunda) stigmatica Distant, 1912 new combination of Deferunda stigmatica Distant, 1912
Deferunda (Deferunda) striata Wang & Liu, 2008 new combination of Deferunda striata Wang & Liu, 2008
Deferunda (Deferunda) trimaculata Wang & Peng, 2008 new combination of Deferunda trimaculata Wang & Peng, 2008
Deferunda (Deferunda) truncata Chen, Yang & Wilson, 1989 new combination of Deferunda truncata Chen, Yang & Wilson, 1989