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Stål (1869)

Stål C. 1869 - Hemiptera Fabriciana. Fabricianska Hemipterarter, efter de Köpenhamn och Kiel förvarade typexemplaren granskade och beskrifne. 2. Handlingar. Kongliga Svenska Vetenskaps Akademien. Stockholm 8(1): 1-130.
Original available names
Acanonia florea Stål, 1869 synonym of Acanalonia umbraculata (Fabricius, 1803)
Aphaena (Callidepsa) Stål, 1869
Atella sparsa Stål, 1869 previous combination of Neomelicharia sparsa (Fabricius, 1803)
Calyptoproctus aridus Stål, 1869
Carthaea emortua Stål, 1869 previous combination of Hesperophantia folium (Gmelin, 1789)
Chlorochara Stål, 1869
Dascalia grisea Stål, 1869 previous combination of Paradascalia grisea (Fabricius, 1775)
Euphria (Callidepsa) Stål, 1869 previous combination of Aphaena (Callidepsa) Stål, 1869
Hyalodepsa Stål, 1869 synonym of Diacira Walker, 1858
Hyalodepsa diaphana Stål, 1869 previous combination of Diacira diaphana (Fabricius, 1803)
Leptophara Stål, 1869 nomen praeoccupatum of Hesperophara Kirkaldy, 1904
Mantosyna Stål, 1869
Ormenis relicta Stål, 1869 previous combination of Leptormenis relicta (Fabricius, 1803)
Ormenis retusa Stål, 1869 previous combination of Hansenia retusa (Fabricius, 1787)
Paulia Stål, 1869 nomen praeoccupatum of Southia Kirkaldy, 1904
Pelidnopepla Stål, 1869
Ricania stigmatica Stål, 1869 previous combination of Ricanula stigmatica (Stål, 1869)
Ricanula stigmatica (Stål, 1869)
Tylana indecora Stål, 1869
Calyptoproctus lystroides Spinola, 1839 synonym of Calyptoproctus stigma (Fabricius, 1803)
Flatoides humeralis Walker, 1851 synonym of Vutina atrata (Fabricius, 1803)
Flatoides orientis Walker, 1851 synonym of Ricania fenestrata (Fabricius, 1775)
Glagovia Stål, 1859 synonym of Eddara Walker, 1858
Mycterodus longiceps Stål, 1863 synonym of Mycterodus immaculatus (Fabricius, 1794)
Omalocephala carinifrons Stål, 1859 synonym of Mantosyna haemorrhoidalis (Olivier, 1791)
Tylana indecora Stål, 1866 synonym of Tylana indecora Stål, 1869
Ricania fenestrata (Fabricius, 1775) new combination of Cercopis fenestrata Fabricius, 1775
Mycterodus immaculatus (Fabricius, 1794) new combination of Cercopis immaculata Fabricius, 1794
Sevia bicarinata (Fabricius, 1803) new combination of Cixius bicarinatus Fabricius, 1803
Canyra cylindricornis (Fabricius, 1803) new combination of Delphax cylindricornis Fabricius, 1803
Vutina atrata (Fabricius, 1803) new combination of Flata atrata Fabricius, 1803
Leptophara rustica (Fabricius, 1803) new combination of Flata rustica Fabricius, 1803
Ricania striata (Fabricius, 1803) new combination of Flata striata Fabricius, 1803
Pintalia variegata (Fabricius, 1803) new combination of Flata variegata Fabricius, 1803
Herpis vittata (Fabricius, 1803) new combination of Flata vittata Fabricius, 1803
Bothriocera bicornis (Fabricius, 1803) new combination of Issus bicornis Fabricius, 1803
Thionia coriacea (Fabricius, 1803) new combination of Issus coriaceus Fabricius, 1803
Eurybrachys bimaculata (Fabricius, 1803) new combination of Lystra bimaculata Fabricius, 1803
Euphria (Callidepsa) cornuta (Fabricius, 1803) new combination of Lystra cornuta Fabricius, 1803
Hypaepa costata (Fabricius, 1803) new combination of Lystra costata Fabricius, 1803
Pelidnopepla obscura (Fabricius, 1803) new combination of Lystra obscura Fabricius, 1803
Calyptoproctus stigma (Fabricius, 1803) new combination of Lystra stigma Fabricius, 1803
Eddara viridiceps (Fabricius, 1803) new combination of Lystra viridiceps Fabricius, 1803
Dictyophara suturali (Germar, 1830) new combination of Nersiam suturalis (Germar, 1830)
Chlorochara vivida (Fabricius, 1775) new combination of Nersia vivida (Fabricius, 1775)
Mantosyna haemorrhoidalis (Olivier, 1791) new combination of Omalocephala haemorrhoidalis (Olivier, 1791)
Atella cruentata (Fabricius, 1803) new combination of Poeciloptera cruentata (Fabricius, 1803)
Flata ferrugata Fabricius, 1803 new combination of Poeciloptera ferrugata (Fabricius, 1803)
Mnemosyne planiceps (Fabricius, 1803) new combination of Ricania planiceps (Fabricius, 1803)
Geographical distribution
Ricanula stigmatica (Stål, 1869)
Wrong spelling
Dictyophara suturali (Germar, 1830) wrong spelling of Dictyophara suturalis (Germar, 1830)
Eddara euchromae Walker, 1858 wrong spelling of Eddara euchroma Walker, 1858