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Muir (1918)

Muir F. A. G. 1918 - Notes on the Derbidae in the British Museum collection.-I. Zoraidinae. Entomologist's Monthly Magazine. London 54: 173-177.
Original available names
Diospolis annetti Muir, 1918 previous combination of Diostrombus annetti (Muir, 1918)
Diostrombus annetti (Muir, 1918) previous combination of Lydda annetti (Muir, 1918)
Lydda annetti (Muir, 1918)
Lydda pseudodecisa (Muir, 1918)
Lyddastrombus annetti (Muir, 1918) previous combination of Diostrombus annetti (Muir, 1918)
Proutista pseudodecisa Muir, 1918 previous combination of Lydda pseudodecisa (Muir, 1918)
Zoraida (Peggiopsis) singaporensis Muir, 1918 nomen nudum of Zoraida (Peggiopsis) wallacei Muir, 1918
Afakia Kirkaldy, 1909 synonym of Lydda Westwood, 1840
Iguvium Distant, 1917 synonym of Sikaiana Distant, 1907
Jada Distant, 1906 synonym of Helcita Stål, 1856
Paraproutista Muir, 1913 synonym of Pamendanga Distant, 1906
Thracia albipes Walker, 1870 synonym of Proutista moesta (Westwood, 1851)
Zoraida cydista Distant, 1907 synonym of Zoraida sexnotata (Walker, 1870)
Proutista decisa Distant, 1907 new combination of Afakia decisa (Distant, 1907)
Helcita nitagalensis (Kirby, 1891) new combination of Derbe nitagalensis Kirby, 1891
Sikaiana albomaculata (Distant, 1917) new combination of Iguvium albomaculata Distant, 1917
Pamendanga ferruginea (Distant, 1911) new combination of Phenice ferruginea Distant, 1911
Pamendanga majuscula (Distant, 1914) new combination of Phenice majuscula Distant, 1914
Pamendanga nealei (Distant, 1914) new combination of Phenice nealei Distant, 1914
Pamendanga pullata (Distant, 1911) new combination of Phenice pullata Distant, 1911
Pamendanga superba (Distant, 1906) new combination of Phenice superba Distant, 1906
Pamendanga abscissa (Walker, 1870) new combination of Thracia abscissa Walker, 1870
Zoraida albida (Walker, 1870) new combination of Thracia albida Walker, 1870
Zoraida costalis (Walker, 1870) new combination of Thracia costalis Walker, 1870
Zoraida ephemeralis (Walker, 1870) new combination of Thracia ephemeralis Walker, 1870
Pamendanga fasciata (Walker, 1870) new combination of Thracia fasciata Walker, 1870
Zoraida fuscipennis (Walker, 1870) new combination of Thracia fuscipennis Walker, 1870
Zoraida limnobialis (Walker, 1870) new combination of Thracia limnobialis Walker, 1870
Zoraida sexnotata (Walker, 1870) new combination of Thracia sexnotata Walker, 1870
Zoraida (Neozoraida) fletcheri (Distant, 1911) new combination of Zoraida fletcheri Distant, 1911
Losbanosia vuilleti (Distant, 1914) new combination of Zoraida vuilleti Distant, 1914
Geographical distribution
Lydda annetti (Muir, 1918)
Lydda pseudodecisa (Muir, 1918)