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Lallemand (1935)

Lallemand V. 1935 - Homoptères des Iles de la Sonde et de l'Australie du Nord. Revue Suisse de Zoologie. Annales de la Société Zoologique Suisse et du Muséum d'Histoire Naturelle de Genève. Genève 42: 661-681.
Original available names
Anasta australiaca (Lallemand, 1935)
Anasta minuta (Lallemand, 1935) nomen praeoccupatum of Anasta lallemandi Dmitriev, 2020
Anasta timorina (Lallemand, 1935)
Articrius handschini (Lallemand, 1935)
Colgar laraticus punctata (Lallemand, 1935)
Colgaroides viridis Lallemand, 1935
Dictyophara australiaca (Lallemand, 1935) previous combination of Anasta australiaca (Lallemand, 1935)
Dictyophara minuta (Lallemand, 1935) previous combination of Anasta minuta (Lallemand, 1935)
Dictyophara timorina (Lallemand, 1935) previous combination of Anasta timorina (Lallemand, 1935)
Euphanta insignis Lallemand, 1935 synonym of Hypsiphanta minax Jacobi, 1928
Euricania fusconebulosa (Lallemand, 1935)
Fulgora australiaca Lallemand, 1935 previous combination of Dictyophara australiaca (Lallemand, 1935)
Fulgora minuta Lallemand, 1935 previous combination of Dictyophara minuta (Lallemand, 1935)
Fulgora timorina Lallemand, 1935 previous combination of Dictyophara timorina (Lallemand, 1935)
Neomelicharia albida Lallemand, 1935 synonym of Sanurus dubius Melichar, 1902
Neomelicharia citrinella Lallemand, 1935 synonym of Sanurus dubius Melichar, 1902
Neomelicharia handschini Lallemand, 1935
Ricania fusca Lallemand, 1935
Ricania fusca Lallemand, 1935 synonym of Ricania insularis Lallemand, 1950
Ricania fusconebulosa Lallemand, 1935 previous combination of Euricania fusconebulosa (Lallemand, 1935)
Ricania limbata Lallemand, 1935
Siphanta toga maculata (Lallemand, 1935)
Thanatodictya handschini Lallemand, 1935 previous combination of Articrius handschini (Lallemand, 1935)
Platybrachys rubiginea (Walker, 1851) synonym of Platybrachys barbata (Fabricius, 1775)
Geographical distribution
Euricania fusconebulosa (Lallemand, 1935)
Indogaetulia insularis Schmidt, 1919
Maeniana apicalis (Walker, 1851)
Olonia rubicunda (Walker, 1851)
Platybrachys sicca (Walker, 1851)
Probletomus plenus (Walker, 1870)
Ricania binotata Walker, 1870
Ricania fumosa (Walker, 1851)
Ricania fusca Lallemand, 1935
Ricania limbata Lallemand, 1935
Ricania taeniata Stål, 1870
Wrong spelling
Lawana candida incarnata Lallemand, 1935 wrong spelling of Lawana candida inornata (Melichar, 1902)
Ricanoptera melleborgi (Lallemand, 1854) wrong spelling of Ricanoptera mellerborgi (Stål, 1854)