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Vishnuloka prominula Distant, 1906
  type species

Basionym original publication
Distant W. L. 1906 - The fauna of British India, including Ceylon and Burma. 3: 503 pp. Lt. Col. C. T. Birgham. [345]
Chronological account
Vishnuloka cuneata Distant, 1906 synonym of Vishnuloka prominula Distant, 1906 according to Gnezdilov (2012): 240
Distribution map: extant taxa
Opacity 30%
Geographical distribution
India (Sikkim)  according to  Distant (1906): 345
Myanmar (ex Burma)  according to  Distant (1906): 346
2 Type specimen(s)
Lectotype ♀ of Vishnuloka prominula Distant, 1906 deposited in [NHM, BMNH] Natural History Museum, London according to Gnezdilov (2014): 768
Lectotype ♀ of Vishnuloka cuneata Distant, 1906 deposited in [NHM, BMNH] Natural History Museum, London according to Distant (1906): 346