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Chronological account
Fulgora tineoides Olivier, 1791 previous combination of Bythopsyrna tineoides (Olivier, 1791) according to Metcalf (1957)
Poekilloptera tineoides Guérin-Méneville, 1834 previous combination of Bythopsyrna tineoides (Olivier, 1791) according to Metcalf (1957)
Flata stollii Spinola, 1839 previous combination of Poeciloptera stollii (Amyot & Audinet-Serville, 1843) according to Metcalf (1957)
Flata tineoides Walker, 1851 previous combination of Bythopsyrna tineoides (Olivier, 1791) according to Metcalf (1957)
Copsyrna stollii (Stål, 1862) previous combination of Phromnia stollii (Walker, 1870) according to Metcalf (1957)
Phromnia stollii (Walker, 1870) synonym of Bythopsyrna tineoides (Olivier, 1791) according to Metcalf (1957)
Copsyrna tineoides Breddin, 1900 previous combination of Bythopsyrna tineoides (Olivier, 1791) according to Metcalf (1957)
Bythopsyrna leucophaea (Stål, 1870) synonym of Bythopsyrna tineoides (Olivier, 1791) according to Medler (1986)
Poeciloptera stollii (Amyot & Audinet-Serville, 1843) previous combination of Copsyrna stollii (Stål, 1862)
Copsyrna leucophaea Stål, 1870 previous combination of Bythopsyrna tineoides (Olivier, 1791)
Use(s) (chresonymy)
Copsyrna tineodi Walker, 1870 wrong spelling of Copsyrna tineoides Breddin, 1900 in Walker (1870) corrected by Metcalf (1957)
Distribution map: extant taxa
Opacity 30%
Geographical distribution
Malaysia (Sarawak)  according to  Lallemand (1939): 72
Philippines (Mindanao)  according to  Haupt (1926): 440