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Families Genera Species Names Vernacular names Publications Authors Geographical distribution Associated taxa Cavernicolous Fossils Images Type specimens repositories Synopsis Updates Classification Molecular data contactProjectFulgoromorpha
Use(s) (chresonymy)
Aphalara pauli Loginova, 1979 misidentification of Aphalara ulicis Foerster, 1848 in White & Hodkinson (1982): 21 according to Burckhardt & Lauterer (1997): 295
Aphalara pauli Loginova, 1979 misidentification of Aphalara ulicis Foerster, 1848 in Ossiannilsson (1992): 38 according to Burckhardt & Lauterer (1997): 295
Aphalara pauli Loginova, 1979 misidentification of Aphalara ulicis Foerster, 1848 in Burckhardt (1983): 102 according to Burckhardt & Lauterer (1997): 295
Biological interactions
Rumex L. (Polygonales, Polygonaceae) according to O'Connor & Malumphy (2011): 23  [ confirmed ]
Ulex L. (Fabales, Fabaceae) according to Foerster (1848): 97  [ uncertain ]
Geographical distribution  (partial)
Austria  according to  O'Connor & Malumphy (2011): 23
Belgium  according to  O'Connor & Malumphy (2011): 23
Czech Republic  according to  O'Connor & Malumphy (2011): 23
Denmark  according to  O'Connor & Malumphy (2011): 23
Finland  according to  O'Connor & Malumphy (2011): 23
Germany  according to  O'Connor & Malumphy (2011): 23
Great Britain  according to  White & Hodkinson (1982): 18, O'Connor & Malumphy (2011): 23
Ireland  according to  Foerster (1848): 97, O'Connor & Malumphy (2011): 23
Norway  according to  O'Connor & Malumphy (2011): 23
Romania  according to  O'Connor & Malumphy (2011): 23
Russia  according to  O'Connor & Malumphy (2011): 23
Slovakia  according to  O'Connor & Malumphy (2011): 23
Sweden  according to  O'Connor & Malumphy (2011): 23
Distribution map: extant taxa
Opacity 30%
Data accuracy
Level 4
Levels 1, 2 and 3
(TDWG standard) GBIF occurrences