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Caldwell & Martorell (1952)

Caldwell J. S. & Martorell L. F. 1952 - A brief review of the Psylliidae of Puerto Rico. Annals of the Entomological Society of America 44: 603-613.
Original available names
Diclidophlebia heterotrichi (Caldwell & Martorell, 1952)
Euceropsylla heyugtramsa Caldwell & Martorell, 1952
Euceropsylla torus Caldwell & Martorell, 1952
Euceropsylla xerxa Caldwell & Martorell, 1952
Euphalerus antillensis Caldwell & Martorell, 1952
Haplaphalara heterotrichi (Caldwell & Martorell, 1952) previous combination of Diclidophlebia heterotrichi (Caldwell & Martorell, 1952)
Heteropsylla huasachae insulata Caldwell & Martorell, 1952 synonym of Heteropsylla huasachae Caldwell, 1941
Heteropsylla reducta Caldwell & Martorell, 1952
Mitrapsylla cambalachensis Caldwell & Martorell, 1952
Mitrapsylla vulgaris Caldwell & Martorell, 1952
Paurocephala heterotrichi Caldwell & Martorell, 1952 previous combination of Haplaphalara heterotrichi (Caldwell & Martorell, 1952)
Euceropsylla cayeyensis (Caldwell, 1942) new combination of Arytaina cayeyensis Caldwell, 1942
Mitrapsylla unga (Caldwell, 1942) new combination of Arytaina unga Caldwell, 1942
Euceropsylla bipartita (Tuthill, 1947) new combination of Psylla bipartita Tuthill, 1947
Euceropsylla multiplex (Tuthill, 1947) new combination of Psylla multiplex Tuthill, 1947
Euceropsylla orizabensis (Crawford, 1914) new combination of Psylla orizabensis Crawford, 1914
Mitrapsylla cedusa (Caldwell, 1944) new combination of Psyllia cedusa Caldwell, 1944
Euceropsylla martorelli (Caldwell, 1944) new combination of Psyllia martorelli Caldwell, 1944
Geographical distribution
Diclidophlebia heterotrichi (Caldwell & Martorell, 1952)
Euceropsylla cayeyensis (Caldwell, 1942)
Euceropsylla heyugtramsa Caldwell & Martorell, 1952
Euceropsylla torus Caldwell & Martorell, 1952
Euceropsylla xerxa Caldwell & Martorell, 1952
Mitrapsylla cambalachensis Caldwell & Martorell, 1952
Mitrapsylla vulgaris Caldwell & Martorell, 1952