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Use(s) (chresonymy)
Trioza foersteri Meyer-Dür, 1871 cited in Schaefer (1949): 60, Loginova (1972): 32, Burckhardt (1983): 65, Burckhardt & Lauterer (2006): 270, Drohojowska & Burckhardt (2014): 8, Serbina et al. (2015): 44
Biological interactions
Casual plant
Salix caprea L. (Salicales, Salicaceae) according to Schaefer (1949): 60
Aposeris foetida (L.) Less. (Asterales, Asteraceae) according to Seljak (2018): 21  [ confirmed ]
Lactuca muralis (L.) Gaertn. (Asterales, Asteraceae) according to Schaefer (1949): 60  [ confirmed ]
Mycelis muralis (L.) Dumort. = Lactuca muralis (L.) Gaertn. (Asterales, Asteraceae) according to Burckhardt (1988), Burckhardt (1989): 413, Malenovský & Lauterer (2012): 142  [ confirmed ]
Prenanthes purpurea L. (Asterales, Asteraceae) according to Burckhardt (1989): 413  [ confirmed ]
Overwintering or shelter plant
Abies alba Mill. (Pinales, Pinaceae) according to Schaefer (1949): 60
Parasitism: parasitoid
Tamarixia upis (Walker, 1839) (Arthropoda, Insecta, Hymenoptera, Eulophidae) according to Seljak (2018): 23  [ confirmed ]
Geographical distribution  (partial)
Algeria  according to  Burckhardt (1989): 413, Seljak (2018): 23
Austria  according to  Burckhardt (1989): 413, Seljak (2018): 23
Belarus  according to  Serbina et al. (2015): 44, Seljak (2018): 23
Czechoslovakia  according to  Burckhardt (1989): 413
Czech Republic  according to  Malenovský & Lauterer (2012): 142, Seljak (2018): 23
France  according to  Seljak (2018): 23
Germany  according to  Seljak (2018): 23
Greece  according to  Burckhardt (1988), Burckhardt (1989): 413, Seljak (2018): 23
Italy  according to  Seljak (2018): 23
Morocco  according to  Loginova (1972): 32, Burckhardt (1989): 413, Seljak (2018): 23
Poland  according to  Burckhardt (1989): 413, Seljak (2018): 23
Romania  according to  Burckhardt (1989): 413, Seljak (2018): 23
Serbia  according to  Seljak (2018): 23
Slovakia  according to  Seljak (2018): 23
Slovenia  according to  Seljak (2018): 23
Spain  according to  Burckhardt (1989): 413, Seljak (2018): 23
Switzerland  according to  Meyer-Dür (1871): 390, Schaefer (1949): 60, Burckhardt (1989): 413, Seljak (2018): 23
Turkey  according to  Burckhardt & Önuçar (1993): 562, Seljak (2018): 23
Distribution map: extant taxa
Opacity 30%
Data accuracy
Level 4
Levels 1, 2 and 3
(TDWG standard) GBIF occurrences
2 Type specimen(s)
1 Lectotype ♀ of Trioza foersteri Meyer-Dür, 1871 deposited in [NMW] Naturhistorisches Museum Wien according to Burckhardt (1983): 65
1 Paralectotype of Trioza foersteri Meyer-Dür, 1871 deposited in [NMW] Naturhistorisches Museum Wien according to Burckhardt (1983): 65