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Biological interactions
Teucrium capitatum L. (Lamiales, Lamiaceae) according to Burckhardt et al. (2015): 467, Spodek et al. (2017): 319  [ confirmed ]
Parasitism: parasitoid
Tamarixia dorchinae Yefremova & Yegorenkova, 2015 (Arthropoda, Insecta, Hymenoptera, Eulophidae) according to Burckhardt et al. (2015): 469
Geographical distribution  (partial)
Israel  according to  Burckhardt et al. (2015): 467, Spodek et al. (2017): 319
Distribution map: extant taxa
Opacity 30%
1 Type specimen(s)
Holotype ♂ of Diaphorina teucrii Burckhardt, 2015 deposited in [TAUI] National Collection of Insects, Zoological Museum, Department of Zoology, Tel Aviv University, Tel Aviv according to Burckhardt et al. (2015): 464 [Israel: Borot Loz, 30°29’N 34°33’E, 12.v.2013, Teucrium capitatum (N. Dorchin), (dry mounted)]