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Pauropsylla buxtoni (Laing, 1924)

Basionym original publication
Laing F. 1924 - A new Psyllid injurious to fig trees. Bulletin of Entomological Research 14: 247 [247].
Chronological account
Trioza buxtoni Laing, 1924 previous combination of Pauropsylla buxtoni (Laing, 1924) according to Batta & Burckhardt (2018): 43
Use(s) (chresonymy)
Trioza buxtoni Laing, 1924 cited in Burckhardt & Mifsud (1998): 44, Spodek et al. (2017): 302, Sumner-Kalkun et al. (2020): 9
Biological interactions
Ficus carica L. (Urticales, Moraceae) according to Laing (1924): 247, Burckhardt & Mifsud (1998): 48, Batta & Burckhardt (2018): 41, Spodek et al. (2017): 336  [ confirmed ]
Ficus exasperata Vahl (Urticales, Moraceae) according to Burckhardt & Mifsud (1998): 44, Burckhardt (1986): 157  [ uncertain ]
Ficus pseudo-sycomorus Decne. = Ficus palmata Forssk. (Urticales, Moraceae) according to Halperin et al. (1982): 38, Burckhardt & Mifsud (1998): 48  [ confirmed ]
Geographical distribution  (partial)
Egypt  according to  Halperin et al. (1982): 38
Israel  according to  Laing (1924): 247, Bodenheimer (1937): 213, Avidov & Harpaz (1969): 76, Halperin et al. (1982): 38, Spodek et al. (2017): 336
Jordan  according to  Laing (1924): 247
Palestine  according to  Batta & Burckhardt (2018): 46
Saudi Arabia  according to  Burckhardt (1986): 157, Batta & Burckhardt (2018): 46
Syria  according to  Al-Khawaldeh et al. (1997): 79
Distribution map: extant taxa
Opacity 30%
Data accuracy
Level 4
Levels 1, 2 and 3
(TDWG standard) GBIF occurrences
Vernacular name(s)
fig psylla in Israel (English) according to Avidov & Harpaz (1969): 76